November 8, 2018 |

Release Announcement: How Engaged Are Your Donors?

Donor Profile puts key donor insights and information right at your fingertips to help you build better donor relationships.

Relationships are the key to successful fundraising. Now you can know in an instant how engaged your donors are. In our November release of DonorPerfect coming this weekend, Donor Profile, puts key donor insights and information right at your fingertips to help you build better donor relationships.


Key Donor Contact Information

Donor Profile displays key donor contact information at a glance. See a photo of your donor, the best phone number to contact them and their most recent email address. We’ve also included a notes section that displays the narrative field on their record. Hover over the section to see the full note. Use it to share valuable information with development staff and others that might be reaching out to your donor.


 Donor Profile displays key donor contact information at a glance. Here you can share valuable information with development staff and others that might be reaching out to your donor.

Engagement Indicators

Do your donors have high engagement levels and a long history of giving? Or is there room for improvement? Donor Profile tracks your donor’s Active/Inactive status, their volunteering, monthly giving, and major giving engagement and how long they’ve been connected with you.

Donor Profile puts key donor insights and information right at your fingertips to help you build better donor relationships.


Retain Active Donors and Reactivate Lapsed Ones

The Engagement Indicators in Donor Profile make information readily available to guide your conversations with supporters. Retain your Active Donors and reactive Lapsed Donors by monitoring the Active/Inactive Donor Status that appears under your supporter’s photo. This tells you if donors were active in the last 12 months or have lapsed by not donating (13+ months since they gave a gift). It’s always more expensive to acquire new donors than to reactivate a lapsed donor since lapsed donors already have a relationship with your organization. Combine this information with how long they’ve been connected to your organization when you reach out. In general, multi-year donors have the highest retention rates.


Increase Engagement and Upgrade Giving Levels

Increase engagement by thanking your donor for being a Volunteer or asking them if they are interested in volunteer opportunities. Are they a Monthly Donor? If not, this is a good upgrade opportunity. Our data shows that Monthly Donors are retained longer and give more annually on average than non-monthly ones. Is your donor a Major Donor that’s made a single gift of $1,000.00+ at least once? Is there capacity for them to make a larger gift or a second one? These insights will help you personalize your next interaction with your donors to build more meaningful connections and greater success.


Donor Value Indicators

One of the best ways to increase your organization’s revenue is to increase giving from your current donors. Donor Profile displays the gift information you need to quickly identify donors in your database that have capacity. View the last gift and when your supporter donated, their largest gift ever, what their lifetime value is to your organization and how many gifts they’ve given. These giving metrics provide valuable insight into your upgrade and ask strategies to move your donor into giving more. Plus, having these statistics all in one places saves you time!


Accessing Donor Profile

To activate the Donor Profile view on a constituent’s record, click on the text that says Try our new Donor Profile! in the upper right-hand corner. To turn it off, click Hide Donor Profile. Be sure to tell us how you feel about the new Donor Profile and share any ideas to improve it in our in-product survey. Much of Donor Profile was developed in meetings with clients as they told us what they needed to be more successful fundraisers.

Click on the text that says Try our new Donor Profile! in the upper right-hand corner to activate Donor Profile


For full instructions, visit Using Donor Profile in DP Community.


Release Notes

Donor Profile isn’t the only improvement in this release. We’ve also built on some of last month’s improvements to Search.(Hint: You can search by email now in Quick Search!) There’s also a new Welcome Center for all of your new staff to learn how to successfully get started in DonorPerfect on their own. Read about all of the enhancements in the DonorPerfect 2018.11 Release Notes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.


Written by Ally Orlando