Grant Tracking
Categories: Training Webinars, Additional Webinars
Grant Tracking Transcript
Print TranscriptGood afternoon. This is the Life Cycle of Grants for our Grant Tracking series. This is the first webinar in the series that will help you understand how to enter and track grants in DonorPerfect. The series this week will also include deeper dives into things like the screen designer and Read More
Good afternoon. This is the Life Cycle of Grants for our Grant Tracking series. This is the first webinar in the series that will help you understand how to enter and track grants in DonorPerfect. The series this week will also include deeper dives into things like the screen designer and reporting so you can get more information about what you’re tracking. I know a lot of folks do track their grants on multiple spreadsheets, but we’re going to change that for you today so that you will be able to track your information, end on a perfect report on it and use it as you should be able to So again, let’s begin with introductions. My name is Donna Mitchell. I am your trainer today. I’m really looking forward to working with you and showing you some of the tools, tips and tricks that we use to track your grants and DonorPerfect, we have a really full class today, which is very exciting for me, but I just when we do our housekeeping items, I will go over some of the protocols we’re going to take with regard to questions.
So let’s begin first with our housekeeping items. We always go over this. So whether you’re a new person or you’re a frequent flyer, this is just going to tell you how you’re going to be able to see the webinar, and that how we are able to engage with one another during the webinar.
So on the left side of your screen, you’re going to see the Viewer window. This is what you’ll see, and you’ll be able to see the presentation that I’ll be working on, as well as all of the, all of the, demos that I’ll be doing in DonorPerfect. So we’ll be in the live DonorPerfect system.
On the right side of your screen is your control panel, and this control panel is what’s going to allow us to engage with one another. On the side of the control panel, you’ll see this tab. We call it the grab tab, and that’s because you can click either the top or bottom of that gray tab to drag your control panel around the screen. So if it happens to be sitting in front of the content, you’ll be able to see just by clicking and dragging and moving it out of your way. If it’s still taking up a little too much real estate, you can click on that white arrow. This is a toggle, and this will expand and collapse the control panel for you, moving it completely out of your way.
Now at the bottom of that grab tab is the raise hand button. So if you can hear the sound of my voice today, please click on your raise hand button.
Alright, that’s what I like to see. Fantastic.
Alright. I’m looking for my friends. I’m seeing if I see anybody that I know or have worked with, but there are so many folks in here today, you’re going to have to shout me out if we have had work together before in DonorPerfect. Alright, so let’s keep it moving.
The next section is the audio mode. Now this simply tells you how you’ve gained access to the to the presentation, to the webinar. Now, most of you are in via computer audio. I do see a couple of phones phone calls, but if you are using your computer audio and you get any garbling feedback, or you lose audio all together, please feel free to click on that phone call button, and that will give you the phone number and access code you’ll need to get back into the webinar so you come on back. We’ll be waiting on you. Alright.
The next section is the handout section. I have uploaded a handout for you. It is a PDF document in that section. Please feel free to download that before the end of the webinar.
And then my favorite is the questions box. This is where you’re going to be able to send your questions to me now, again, because we have so many folks in class, I probably will not be able to stop mid-webinar to answer all the questions. If I find appropriate time to do so, I will, but let’s just say that we’re going to, we’re going to actually answer the questions at the end. So don’t be afraid to ask. Just make sure that you know that, all right, the handout isn’t there.
I just uploaded it. It’s in the handout section I’m seeing it. It’s called subscription, the life cycle of grants, so you should see it there. And Lisa, I want to thank you very much for your kind advice. Okay, Nancy, so I’ll send that to you.
You after, the you don’t see the handout either. It should be in the handout section. I don’t know.
I don’t know why some are seeing it and some are not. So some folks are seeing it and some are not. The handout section is right underneath. It should be under your if you take a look at my screen here, it’s going to be right under the audio mode for you. So you’ll see it. I think it has a webcam. You should also see a handout section. So that’s where the handout would be.
And it’s a PDF. It says subscription, the life cycle of grants. It’s a PDF document.
Okay? I hope you all can find that.
Okay, I’ll just send it afterward. Oh, yes, if you, if you’re, you’re, if your control panel is collapsed, you see a little bar. It doesn’t look like this. Click on the white arrow, and then if we click on the white arrow, it should open up, and you should see a section called handouts. And it says handouts, one of five. You’re just going to click on the name of the handout, and that will should download it for you.
Okay, let me try it again. I’m going to try a different way. Bear with me.
Hold on one second. That wasn’t supposed to be the hardest part. All right, I see it in mind, so I’m not sure why it’s not showing up in yours. Oh, boy. And this is not giving me an easy way to get to it, so bear with me one moment.
Yeah, some people see it and are downloading it. I just I don’t understand why some folks aren’t getting it, all right, I’m adding it back, and you should see it.
I’m seeing it, and it should be there, all right, so if you’re having an issue, it could be because your control panel is collapsed, but you want to see the gray bar that says handouts, and then you’re going to download that PDF. Okay? All righty, thank you all so much for your kind feedback. I appreciate it. All right, so let’s keep it moving. All right. And I was mentioning that questions box, which you all have found, so I don’t think I have to worry about that anymore. That’s fantastic. You all know where that is. Thank you. All right. Now this is a wonderful quote. This is from the AFP. Although grants comprise only 10 to 15% of all philanthropic giving, they can be a significant source of revenue for some nonprofit organizations, and I know for a fact there are some organizations that are strictly funded by grants, So being able to enter that data into DonorPerfect tracking that is just going to be really important. Now, do you agree or disagree? Is this true at your organization? Now? You might have grants every now and then. There are some that are more grant heavy, and again, some organizations are strictly funded by grants. So if you care, to share how you feel about that and where you are in that, in that mix, just please put that in there, 8% grant funded. Fantastic. We’re mostly grant funded. 80 Wow. 80% Alright, so now I see why y’all are here. So let’s keep it moving. Alright, fantastic. So what we’re going to do today, we’re going to go over what we call the life cycle of a grant, and so this is going to allow us to talk about what the different parts of the grant process are and where we’re going to be able to track them. So if we start first with the letter of inquiry, or the letter of intent, whatever you care to call it. This information is going to be tracked. You’re going to be able to track the letter and any other time sensitive details on the contact screen. So if you haven’t really dealt with the contact screen, it this is. Really a deep dive into that. We’re going to go over that quite a bit today, the grant proposal, right? So you’re going to be able to track the proposal and again, any other time sensitive details for that grant proposal in the contact screen. When you receive the funding, you’re going to enter the award as either a pledge, if it’s a multi year payment or multi payments, or you can enter the receipt of the award as a gift. We’ll talk about how you’re receiving that funding. And then finally, any follow up reporting that you need will be done again on that contact screen, and you’re going to be able to track all of those details. So we’re going to go into this and talk about how we’re going to track all of this where and some other tools that are available to you. So in today’s presentation, we’re going to talk about foundation records and how they slightly differ from regular individual donor records and the fields that are on there to help you track your grants, we’re going to talk about the grant itself approval, from the moment that it’s approved to the receipt of the award. We’re going to go over some reports to show next steps and the money that was raised via your grants, and then we’re going to set you up for your success. Now the content of this webinar may contain features and fields that are different than your own. Again, if you have questions, you’re certainly welcome to ask. And for those who have just joined, I will not be answering questions right away. I will be waiting till the end of the webinar just to make sure that we get through the content, and then we’ll be sure to answer your questions. All right, so funders are typically going to be some sort of organization, and in our case, we’re going to say it’s a foundation. So in this particular case, foundation records would be used the donor type. Foundation is what we would consider that donor type. Now, obviously you can get grants. You can go for grants through different entities. It could be government, it could be local, federal, state government, right? And so you want to make sure that that donor type is identified as an organization. So the donor type would be Foundation, and that organization check box should be checked once we do that and we have an organization record, that particular record is going to give you fields to track key funder information. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take a look first at the bio screen. So the bio screen is part of the Main screen, and the bio screen and the main screen both flesh out your donors, regardless of whether they’re individuals or some sort of organization, but this is where we’re able to flesh them out. So we can say, Oh, these things, these attributes, about this donor. So for foundation records, for organization records, there’s going to be a section either on the main or the bio screen, and it’s going to be either foundation information. It could say grant funder information, funder information, but this information here is what fleshes out the foundation. So you keep in mind this general information tells you their interest. What are they interested in getting grants for? What types of grants do they give? What are their low and high grant ranges? What geographic regions do they serve?
The deadline? And we can add additional fields, but this is great information to know about prospective funders, and all of these fields are filterable and reportable, because this is going to allow you to say, hey, we need a grant for $10,000 for our education program. Well, we can do a filter to find that, and this particular organization would display so I’m going to jump into DonorPerfect.
We’re kind of going to be going back and forth so you can see.
And here’s our record. I’m just going to go into. Let’s go into amazing foundation. So here is the amazing foundation. And again, your screen and fields may look different than mine, but the donor type you definitely all have, and the donor type in this case is Foundation, of course, and you’ll see the organization check box is checked. When that box is checked on those organization records, there’s going to be some grant funder field. And I’m looking on this screen because sometimes it’s on the main and sometimes it’s on the bio. So if I go to the bio screen, here’s my grant funder information. These fields, we have some standard fields that go in when you purchase DonorPerfect. Those fields are already there, and you are able to create fields to add to your screens. We’ll talk about that a little bit more down the line, and there’s a screen designer webinar as well. All right, so you’ll see all of these different fields. We have drop down coded fields. We have multi select fields. We have find, sorry, text fields for currency and so forth. So these are the fields that allow you to flesh out your organization, that funder, that grant funder information. If you’re not seeing the grant funder fields, it could mean that you’re an older client and those fields were not put in there by default, or they could be hidden. So you’ll need to go to settings and the screen designer, and again, I’ll show you this a little bit later. If those fields are not displaying, you can make sure that they are displayed. Okay, yes. So let me just explain this really quickly, because I see a couple people asking the foundation, screens are part of the system, Gen, the general system. If you are an older client, these fields may not be displaying as you see them here, because this is part of the new sysgen that we have. So if you’re an older client, or a client where someone has already hidden those fields, they may be hidden. I’ll show you where you can go to find out if you have that. Okay, so that’s the grant funder. If I go to settings in the top right corner and the screen designer, you’ll see fields and sections. If I go to sections either on the main or I click and change to the bio, you should see something that says grant, funder or foundation information or funder information, that’s a screen that is a section. If you don’t see that section, that means you probably don’t have it, and you can actually create it and add it yourself. It may be on the main screen, but that’s where you would see it. When you go back to the fields, and I go to the bio screen here, and we’re going to come back to this, you’ll see that here’s my grant funder, and these boxes should be checked. So this first column of boxes should be checked. If they’re not checked, that means they’re not displaying all right. All right. Let’s go back to amazing foundation, and we’re going to go back to our presentation. All right. So let’s talk about the grant details on the contact screen. There are two ways that you can track a grant, the first way is one contact record per grant. So what you would do is create a contact record for the grant, and you’re going to continually update that contact record to show all of the activity that has been done. So in the contact notes, you would say, Okay, this is the date that the LOI was submitted. You also have fields that you can add on the contact screen to show that information is well, is there as well? And then when you change this to do something else, you’re just keeping track of that information in the notes, so ultimately, you’ll have one record with all the grant information, all your steps, all your activity, all your notes, and it’ll be in one record. The other way to do it is to do a contact record for each task. Now if you choose to do that, you can have one for each task. This would allow you to sync that information with your calendar for each task as you’re creating it. So you can still do that. When you do the one contact record, you can still add it to your personal calendar, but some people are prefer to see each contact transaction separately if and then, of course, we recommend doing it one per grant again, you have the ability to sync the contacts with your personal calendar. So as you are in there, you’re going to be able to add it to your Google Calendar. Or Outlook, or whatever calendaring system you’re using that’s in the list I’m going to show you. We also have the ability you have hosted file storage where you can attach a file to a contact record. So for every document that you’re sending or corresponding with the foundation, you’re going to be able to attach that file to the contact record, and then when you win the award, whether it’s a one time gift or it’s a multi year gift, via a pledge, you’re going to be able to connect or link the contact to the gift or pledge. So let’s jump back into DonorPerfect, and I’m going to go to the amazing foundation again, and I’m going to go to the contact screen. I’m going to add a new contact. And so the contact screen is what’s going to allow us to track all of the things and information that we want with regard to communicating to our donors and constituents. Now, specifically today, we’re talking about grants, but any type of mailings, correspondence, meetings, phone calls, all of that would would be tracked here. So when I go to enter a contact, let’s say I’m going to say the due date is on the 23rd of May. I’m going to leave the completed date on empty, because we don’t want that to be completed. I’m going to go ahead and assign it to myself in my activity. Drop down. This is going to be a list of contact activities that we would execute on donors. So for example, I’m going to say, All right, I want my loi, or maybe it’s a proposal. So let’s just go ahead. There it is, Grant letter of inquiry, and maybe I even have a mailing code that I want to tie to that I can certainly do that, so I’m going to insert the date, and then we would be able to say.
Okay, this is the date that I I’m going to be doing this so DCM Be sure to be sure to include all points in LOI. All right, just making stuff up here, all right, now down here, we have grant management fields keeping in mind that when this due date is scheduled within seven days or overdue and it’s assigned to a user, this is going to show up on the home page. So when that home page, you’ll see that sitting there, you’ll be able to track and do your work right there on the home page. I’ll show you that in a moment. Under grant management, you’ll see some fields here, and these allow us to flesh out again, the particular grant. So whether you’re using one contact record for that one grant, for each grant, you’re going to be able to include that. So we would say, Okay, this is going to be for our elderly animals. The status is, we’ll say we’re we’re in draft mode. We have requested $15,000 well, we’ll say 10,000 $10,000 the date submitted and all of that. I’m going to show you in a little while how we are going to be able to update and add fields so we can capture more information. So this is how we would fill out this screen, I’m going to click on save and you’ll notice when I save it, there’s an icon here that allows me to add this to my own personal calendar. So if I click on here, you’ll see all of the different calendaring systems. I’m going to choose what I want, and it will add it to my own personal calendar. It just imports it right in, all right, we’re not going to wait for it to do that when I go into the record after I’ve saved it again. I can also add the calendar, added to calendar from here. And here’s where I can attach a file. So if I do have a letter of inquiry, I can browse my computer. I’m just going to go grab it and close and so now you’ll see I have files attached. And ultimately, when we’re all done, we’re going to link this contact to the gift or pledge. So I’m going to go ahead and save that, you’ll see I do have an attacked file, and at this point, I can just go ahead and download it or delete it if I don’t need it there anymore. All right, if I go to the home page, if I click on Home and scroll down, you’ll see my scheduled donor out. Reach and you’ll see that I do have items due this week. And there is the amazing foundation. The letter of inquiry is due. I can mark it as done. I can add notes. I can do whatever I want there, but it lands on that home screen. All right, so before we move forward, I’m going to answer some questions. I know you all are burning with questions, so the first question I’m going to answer is the one that’s been asked the most. If you don’t see those fields in your system, a you can check the screen designer to see if those fields and sections are there. If you don’t see them, you can’t find them, you don’t know how to fix them. You can always reach out to support, and support can help you locate them the fields, and if you need help creating them, we can help you with that as well. So you may or may not see those screens again. If you have an older version of DonorPerfect, those fields and screens were not set up that way when you got it. There is no quick fix. We just have to, you have to fix it. Or you can call us and they walk, they will walk you through how you can fix it. There’s also a very cool knowledge based article I’m actually going to show you. I’m going to send you this link. I want to show you this right now. And this is giving an engagement. I want to I’m sorry, that’s not what I’m looking for.
I’m looking for the grant, Grant, grant management. I think I might have it might be, yeah, let’s go here, and I think it’s going to be best for you to I’m just going to put this link in here, and this will get you to the rest of the screens. So I’m putting that in the chat for you now. It’s going to be in the chat, all right. And if you need help, support can help you with that.
And supports number is 800 220, 2208080, and this is DP Support, and I’m sending that to you in the chat as well, if you haven’t so I answered all right. I’m just looking through the questions.
Most of these are about the screens, right? Barb, if you have a grant that’s not in DonorPerfect, yet your grant applications, you’re going you’re going to want to go into DonorPerfect, create a donor profile for them, so you would add a new organization, mark it as foundation, company, whatever it is, and then you would be able to add that information in. You do have the ability to import data into the contact screen, so that’s another way to get that information that’s in there, but you have to create a record first. I’m curious how this applies to federal grants, where you invoice the lead organization monthly or quarterly for grant expenses, rather than receive all the money up front. I’ve seen that infrequently. I do know that there are some organizations that do that, and basically what they’ll do is they will do use a mixture of calculated fields to determine how much they’ve dispersed and how much they have left. But keep in mind, DonorPerfect is all about tracking the money that’s coming in, not so much money that’s being dispersed. Okay? So I want to pass some of these questions and answer them at the end.
Yeah. So Kristin asked the question about, if you’re using one contact record per grant, is there a way to easily view upcoming tasks on the home screen, or just the due date. It’s going to be based on that due date, but you’re going to be able to run reports, so you can see things that have happened or are coming up, all right, so you would be able to see that, and we’ll be talking about reports. Why does DonorPerfect recommend option one? Option one was one contact record per grant. And really, that’s a lot about all the information that is on that contact screen. So assuming that you flesh the screen out a little bit more, right? You might want more fields in in here. Director, so you would either have to replicate all that information on each subsequent contact record. But again, that’s kind of like a, you know, I don’t know, some people say that’s that’s not a big deal for them. They would rather see the transactional experience so you could do multiple and then the other part of that is, what part got you the grant. So the whole process is, what got you the award, if you’re just linking the, you know, the last thing to the award is that really showing what all you’ve done. So basically, this like a little bit of a package, right? If you do it in one record, it’s kind of a package, right? And so that’s why we recommend that. But we give you the option, you can do whatever you need to do, whatever makes your reporting better and easier for you all. Right, so let’s go back to our presentation and talk about getting the award. Now, when you’re getting awards, you’re getting either gifts. So we gifts are contributions that are received. And so hopefully you’re getting that money right away. If you’re getting it right away, then you’re going to enter the award as a gift for the full amount received. So if you’ve gotten the full amount, you went for 10,000 you got 10,000 you’re going to enter it as a $10,000 gift, and you’re going to use COVID fields to indicate the key data about that gift. If it’s a pledge, pledges, as we know, are promises or commitments from our donors, that they’re going to give us a certain amount. It could be a fixed amount that they’re paying in a recurring fashion, or it could be simply an ongoing, recurring transaction. So again, with the let’s say you get a million dollar grant, and they say it’s over four years, you’re going to enter it as a pledge for a quarter of a million dollars annually for four years. And I’ll show you how to enter that as well. You’re going to enter the award and payment schedule so you’ll know when you’re beginning that money, at least. You’ll have a plan there. And then you’re going to apply the payment to the grant when it is received on the contact screen. You’re going to update the grant fields and details in the contact record to show your current status. So you’ll always be able to look at those records to see what your current status is, which, again, is why we recommend, because let’s say, All right, the letter of intent was done. All right, that’s closed. Now we’re going to do this, and this is not pending anymore. When you say the is pending, I’m sorry. Let me show you this field, this screen here, if we go down here, the status, is it funded pending? What does pending mean? Is the letter of intent pending? Is the award pending? Is the whole process pending? So you have to really think about, you know, what information you want to enter and create the fields to do them again. We’ll talk about that. All right. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to show you how to create a record, and we’re going to show you this, and we’re going to show you how to track the grant. So let’s go back into DonorPerfect. We’re going to start with the brand new organization. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to add new organization.
When I do that, it defaults to company, but I’m going to change it to Foundation, and we’re going to call this the best foundation ever, alright, and this is going to be Ms., let’s use Darlene Hollywood. I like that, and we’re going to give it an address, 158, office. Center Drive, and that’s in Fort Washington, PA, 19034, so I’m just filling out. You notice when I’m creating the new record? So whoever asked the question about, hey, we’ve got grant applications out there. How do I get them into donor? Perfect. Well, if you want to manually enter stuff, that’s what we’re doing right now. We’re going to put in our salutation Miss Hollywood.
We’re going to put in phone numbers emails, if we have them email at email, do. Dot com, all right, engagement status. So these are all fields that we’ve added. But once I have all that information in, I can now save my record, and when I save it, all the rest of my screens display. So I’m going to go to that bio screen and flesh out my funder they’re low and high grant range. They go from 10,000 to 1 million.
I do it. I did it. Finally, yay, their proposal method. Now these fields that you’re seeing proposal method, grant cycle. These fields are user defined. We’ve added those the geographic region. Let’s just leave that blank status of the organization animal. Let’s do this. They’re doing all that, right? So you have all this is all kinds of stuff you can add, and they have a rolling deadline. Every one of these fields are filterable. I’m going to save that. We’re going to go to the contact screen and enter a new contact for our grant. So again, this is going to be due on the 23rd this is going to be our grant letter of inquiry assigned to me again all these fields.
I was sure I had an LOI in here. So I’m just going to add a new code, which I can do grant LOI.
Okay, so there we go. All right, going to put in my notes, pair. Okay, down here, we can add our fields again. We can add whatever we want. There, we can put in the status. Right now we’re in draft mode. We’re requesting a million dollars.
I didn’t think that was a million, but one more in there. Whoops, not there, there. Okay, all right, and then we can add these fields. Remember, we can add additional fields. We’ll talk about that. So there we go. That’s how we are able to enter that information, okay?
All right, I see your questions. I will be getting to them shortly. All right, so let’s get back to our presentation. All right, so now we want to export the grant details. If the grant has been given, we can include the fields from the contact screen and the main bio screen as well to our export template. We’re going to use a contact template, and we’re going to be able to set filters, show a date range and pull the information out that we want. So you would go to Report Center listings, export to file, and then include the contact transactions. That’s what we’re going to be able to do. I’m going to show you how to do that. So let’s jump back into DonorPerfect. There’s the best foundation ever. And I’m going to go into, I’m going to go into, I wanted to show you how to create one. So before we actually do the report, let me show you how to create them an export template. So the export template allows us to pull the fields of data that we want out of here. So I want to see these different fields of data so I can keep my list updated and know what’s going on. In in order to do that, I need to create an export template for the contact screen to pull those fields. It’ll also pull the data from the main and the bio screen as well. So I have the best of all of those worlds to create an export template, I’m going to go to the top right corner under Settings and export templates. I know I have a grant one already, so I’m going to go to this grant. You’ll just type in Grant. You’ll see it’s a template type of contacts, and I’m going to edit it. I’m just going to edit it so you can see, so when we create the template, we give it a name. So this is going to be grant details, and you’ll also notice that the type is contact export. So when I use contact transactions, I’m going to see each of those transactions for each of my funders. I also am a. Able to use fields from the main screen as well. So you’ll see main and bio screen fields are available as well as the contact screen fields. On the left side of the screen are all of the fields that are available to me. On the right of the screen are all of the fields that are selected already for my template. So you’ll see I have a donor ID, a last name, the optional line, which is the contact name for that organization, city, state and zip. We also have the contact activity fields we have assigned to the notes, so all of the fields that we’ve asked for are actually displaying once I have all of those fields selected, then I’m going to save and close. Okay, I’m going to then go to Reports and the Report Center, and we’re going to use a report. It’s in the listings folder called export to file. You can click in the right corner and type in export, and you will see the field the reports that match. When I go to export to file, I’m going to look at my export type list, and because I’m pulling contact transactions, I’m going to select that option. I want to see all of the contact transactions, and I’m going to set a really cool filter, and my filter is going to be I’m going to go to the contact screen, and I want to find any record where the activity includes multiple matches, and they’re going to be grant proposal, grant report due LOI and done. So I want to see that. Oh, and I only want foundation records, so I’m going to go to donor type is exactly equal to foundation. Now, if you had multiple companies, other organizations, why?
Certainly you could include those. So I’m going to say Foundation, station grant, contact records, and I’m going to just stick it in this folder and click on Done. So I have my date range. I also, oh, I want to change this to the 23rd right, because remember, we made those dates the 23rd and down here. I want to choose my grant details, export template. When I do that, I can export the file. It will display as a CSV, or I can preview, I’m going to preview right in here, and now you will see the grant information, amazing foundation. There’s my information and the best foundation ever, and we’ll see all of the information that we’ve asked for. So the reason why, when we do one record per grant, we will see the updated information per grant, and that Notes field, my comments here, it is, anything that’s in here will be added. It’ll just continue to add so you can see everything in one shot, all right, but that is how we create an export template. All right, so let’s keep it moving. I do see your questions, I will answer them. Don’t worry. All right, so I entered the content. I used contact transactions, I entered my date range, I set a filter to pull the records that I want, and I exported it into the template that had the fields that I needed, and now I was able to report on that, and then we get something that looks like that. All right. All right. So once I start getting that grant money in, I can actually use a report. And this report here is really great. It’s called the giving summary by selected field. It is a financial report that allows you to select one single field, and you’ll be able to see like solicitation code. In this particular case, you’ll see all of the gifts that came in via a grant request. So there were nine donors with nine gifts. The average gift amount is $33,080 and the total amount was 27, 720, okay, so this is a really great way to see that information. Let’s jump back in, and I’m going to go to both Amazon, I mean, a amazing foundation, and we’re going to add a gift. So let’s just say this is a nice, nice little you. $10,000 gift. They’re going to give it to us right on the fly. This is going to be a check my general ledger. This is going to be for, we’ll say, restricted. This is going to be grant. There we go. Solicitation. You might have something in there. I don’t know if you do, but you could put a like a revenue stream grant. You could put grant in there as well, and then this is going to be, we’ll just call it a standard acknowledgement for now. So let’s save that. Okay, and now I’m going to go into the best foundation ever, and they’ve given us an award of a million dollars, but they’re paying it over four years. So I’m going to add a pledge. We’re going to put in the pledge date, which is the date of the commitment. Let’s just make this 0601 2023, 23 and we’re going to do the same thing here. Sorry about that.
601 2023
The total amount is $1 million and you’ll see the billing amount. So the billing amount is going to be $250,000 so they’re going to be paying that over the four years. The frequency is annual, so we’re going to get four annual payments of $250,000 we’re going to continue to fill in the information. So this is restricted. We’re going to do grant and we’re going to save it, and
then I’m going to apply a payment. So this is the first payment. This is a check you’ll see when I do a payment on a pledge and I apply it from the pledge, it fills in our values. Okay? And there we go. So let’s go ahead and save this all right, and now we have our grant information in. Let’s go into reports, and the Report Center, and I’m going to pull the report. It’s called giving summary by selected field. So what I’m going to do is include my date range. I’m going to include the solicitation code, and again, I can just get rid of this filter. I can say, I just want to see grant stuff, right?
So if I go in here, solicitation is equal to grant, okay?
And now I print this to screen. So what happens is it shows me for that solicitation code grant in that date range, I have five donors that have given six gifts. The average amount is 45,000 plus, and the total amount is the 271 if I click here, you’ll see, first of all, there is my $250,000 pledge payment. So this is just showing me gifts. If I come back to this report and go back, I can also say, include pledges, but I won’t see my pledge payments, so I’ll see my one time gifts. And then I see there is my pledge total. Where’s my pledge total for I did that for? Oh, I don’t think I did the right date range. I think that’s what it was. Yep. This should be through 0601 2023, so now, when I go in, we will see that pledge total for them. And there it is. There’s that million. Okay, so I did that date range because their pledge was due on six one. And there you’ll see my million dollars. I’ll see my gifts one time, gifts that are not pledge payments, but anything that was a pledge would show up in pledges.
Okay, all right, so the easy report. Easy reports are like, Whoops, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, go back. Easy reports are like export templates, but they have a little more functionality. So easy reports allow us to create customized reports where we can include whatever fields we want. So I can see the details the way I want to see them. If you’ve created user defined fields, you can’t always use them in other. Standard DonorPerfect reports, but you can in your export templates and easy reports. So this is a great way to track those details. You’re going to be able to use the sidebar to select the specific records that we want, and then, depending on your DonorPerfect package, you can send or schedule your report to go out to you.
Okay, so I’m going to go into DonorPerfect. I just want to show you. I’m going to go back to the Report Center and I’m going to click on easy reports. I’m going to type in grant I’m pretty sure we have one here. So here’s grant details and grant status, so I can always go into an easy report under Actions and click on Edit, so I can see which fields of data are here. Once again, you’ll notice it’s pulling contact transactions, so I’ll be able to see all of my transactions, and they are grouped by status. Group by status. If I wanted to, I could group it by the last name, and that’s what I’m going to do, all right, and we can, in this easy report, we can filter. We can, I’m sorry, we can sort on multiple fields. We can. I’m just going to do solicit contact between.
I don’t have my contact fields on here.
We can group on multiple fields, I’m sorry, sort or multiple fields. You can do sums, averages and counts. Let me use my last filter. That’s not the one I’m wanting. I want add new filter, contact, activity. And again, I’m going to do the include multiple, and we’re going to do grant, Grant and that, just to make sure we get everything. And now I’m going to print this to screen, so now we’re going to see each of those. So we have Amazon and the best foundation ever. There it is. And in the fields, we’re seeing their ID, their name, the description of the program that they’re supporting, the date submitted. We have all the fields that we want, the amount requested, amount funded, and all of that. The other thing I want to show you while we’re here, so let’s go back into the best foundation ever. I want to go to the contact screen, and let’s say we completed this. Everything is copacetic. We asked 4 million. We got 1,000,001 more, zero, and we could have a field in here. Let’s say this was funded, and let’s just say this was a field that said, this is pledge paid out over four years, right?
So you can add any field you want, and we’ll talk about that. I do realize we are short on time. That’s because we had a little bit of a traffic jam in the beginning. But what I can do when I go in and edit that that grant contact, I can click on the blue ribbon area and select Link contact to gift pledge. When I do that, I can link it to the pledge, which is what I want to do. And now you’ll see this is linked to that pledge. It’s either going to be a pledge or gift. Now this is nothing that you can report on. It’s just good more information when you actually get in here. So again, now we have a package of information with that pledge. So we talked about the letter of inquiry, the grant proposal, receiving the funding, and how we’re able to tie all of that into the grant or the pledge award. And we also have follow up reports that we’ll need to track. And oftentimes there are multiple reports that you’ll have to track. So ideally, you’re going to create fields to capture that information. One of the things we can use is the screen designer to do that. So the screen designer allows you to add fields for tracking funder and grant information. Again, this webinar will be in later this week to show. You how to use the screen designer specifically that purpose. The contact manager is where we’re going to track all of the grant details and the reminders of the deadlines. Our export template and the easy Report Builder. The export template allows us to select the fields we want in a CSV spreadsheet, and the easy report builder allows us to create new reports or stat or modify any existing reports. And again, that easy Report Builder is only with specific DonorPerfect packages. If you have questions, you can reach out to support so on the contact screen, it’s a really good idea to consider fields that you want to add. Now we have fields already there for you, but we only have one Due Date field, so you may want to create additional fields to capture more information the interim reports the, you know, due dates of different parts of the of the grant process and so on. So the contact page would have the due date, the activity, the amount requested, the program status and report due date. Those fields are there on the main bio, we have the name of the organization. Of course, the contact person, the donor type interests and the regions that they serve. You may want to go into settings, into the screen designer to add report fields, like the due dates and so on. I’m going to show you how to do that. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to create a new field called it’s going to be report. I have to just double check to see which report field is there. But I’m going to create a date field, a report date field, and this will also be covered in the screen designer for grant series webinar later on this week, you can add fields that you need. You can redesign the layout to flow more nicely, and even set up your tab orders. You can make fields required. You can hide fields. You can make some fields read only. You can change the field prompts, so the field prompts are the what we read on the screen, and so you would be able to make all of that change. So let’s jump back into DonorPerfect, and we’re going to just look at this screen really quickly. And right now, I have in here date funded, date submitted, date denied. I’m going to add a new date field, and it’s going to be called first report due, all right? And I’m going to go into settings and the screen designer. We need to go to the contact screen, so we’re on the fields tab and the contact screen. Now, to make life easy, you can select the section that you’re working on, and we can then go in and add a field. When you go to add a field, you’re going to be in the field properties first, and so we’re going to add in the name of the field. The field name has some rules. It cannot begin with a number. It cannot have any spaces, and it can be up to 20 characters. So I’m just going to put an LOI do underscore date. So we can do that and just put underscores for our spaces. The prompt is what we read on the screen. So again, this is easy. LOI.
LOI submitted date. There we go.
The display type is a text box, but the data type is date. It’s going to go in the grant management section, and here’s where you can make it a new line, which we’re going to do. You can make it required read only, or whatever. Be careful with the required, because remember, that would be required on all of those screens. I want to save the field and exit, and we can actually preview the screen and there is my loi submitted date, so you could put all your date fields in one column and just have them go in a natural flow. I do realize we are at time, but we are going to continue so that you all will be able to get the full benefit of this webinar and the questions that will follow, so that my darlings is, how you add a field the contact manager? We’re going to use the contact manager to track all of our communications, and this is with any constituent, right? It doesn’t have to be a grant. Person. It’s definitely any constituent phone calls, meetings, visits, any type of mailings, email campaigns. You can track that on the grants on the contact screen that scheduled donor outreach on the home screen is so cool. It is really, really great way for you to see your upcoming tasks and work through them there. Again, you can sync your tasks with your own calendar, and this is user specific, so you couldn’t send that. You couldn’t add it to Sarah’s calendar. You have to add it to your own calendar, because it would connect with your calendar. And again, we can attach a file related to the contact record as well. This is a really great way to include that information. And then, of course, because all these fields are populated, you can report on the scheduled activities for your donors. And we talked about setting up the export template, which would include the fields of data that we want. And we set up the export template already, so we actually did some work, but remember that template type is a contact export, and this is what really is going to allow you to capture those contact screen fields. You’re going to select the fields about the funder and the grant. So you can include those bio fields for the range they’re low and high grant range, the geographical regions they serve deadlines and all of that. And then we would use that in the Report Center. We talked about the easy Report Builder and how you’re able to create your own report. It’s really simple to get that information in. This will be another webinar this week. Okay, you’re going to be able to modify the reports and schedule them if you can, and you can export the data into Excel. So with all that being said, how do you think you will use DonorPerfect? I’m going to go back and answer your questions in just a moment. So to review, there are four tools available you to you to help you track your grant details. They are the screen designer, the contact manager, export templates and the easy Report Builder, you can schedule that scheduled donor outreach on the home page reminds you of tasks that are up for you to do, even if they’re expired, if they’re past due, DonorPerfect let you collect and store the information needed to accurately profile your funders. Entering grants as pledges simplifies tracking committed funds until they are received, and that’s really the big key, that you are going to be able to track it and keep an eye on it, as opposed to going through spreadsheets. And Barb said, you have just saved me a ton of work, and tracking on a spreadsheet, I love that Barb. Thank you. And creating an export template will be useful to track all your grants. And then there are financial report, standard reports in DonorPerfect that will allow you to see your grant dollars. The reporting section did go fast, but that was really an overview. It was designed that way. There is reporting, easy Report Builder this week, along with the screen designer this week in this series, I should say, so don’t worry, there’s more detail. They’re going to spend time on screen, designer on on the actual reporting. So this was really an overview of what tools are available now. The next ones are going to show up and and show you how to dive more deeply into building your screens out and doing your reports. So I know you all have questions. That’s where we’re going next. If you do have to go, and I do respect your time, I understand. Please feel free to step away. We will be sending out the recording to everyone. But I do want to get back to the questions, so I’m going to start right at the beginning and make sure that I got everyone and if you do have to go, I want to thank you so much for spending your time with me this afternoon. It is really, really awesome to be here with you.
Okay, yes. Barb, the founder. Information fields and screens are available in Canada. It’s not specific to the country, it’s specific to your system. So once again, if you don’t see those fields, please feel free to reach out to support they can help you find them and help you set up your screens. Okay. Okay, that person left. If you’re using one contact record per grant, Oh, we did answer that, yeah, if you’re using one contact record per grant, you’re not going to include the completed field, the completed date. You’re not going to include this ever until the very end. So every time you update the due date and assign it to a user, it will show up on their their screen. Okay? It’ll show up under their scheduled donor outreach. That’s how you would keep that. I I’m just going through the questions, folks one moment. Yes, the recording will be sent out to everyone that was here today. Good somebody found good use for the multi year grants that they received, they’re going to record it as a pledge. Excellent. If you have been awarded a one year grant, but it might take six weeks to actually receive the funds. Would you enter this as a pledge? Absolutely? And what I would do is, when you enter the pledge, and you think it’s going to be about six weeks out, go ahead and put that date start date out at six weeks out, right? And then that way it won’t look like it’s past due. You’ll still be able to run reports on it, but it still keeps it in the pipeline. Great question. Janice, thank you.
What if donor is both a foundation and a company, I guess two separate profiles, right? Um, actually, yes. So if the don’t it, it all depends Katarina on, and I said, Katrina, I apologize, Katerina, it all depends on from whom the grant or the gift is coming. So if it’s ABC Foundation, right, for example, I’ll give you a perfect example, our company software. That’s our company, right? But our philanthropic arm is called software gives back. So when you get a check yes, it says software gives back. It’s the philanthropic arm of the company, but it’s still our company. Does that make sense? So it’s really going to be recording who gave you the money? Can the export template summarize or give a snapshot of all records with grant activities? Yes, you could certainly do that for sure, and that’s what we just did. So basically, you’re going to put the fields in that you want, but your filter can say, hey, I want to see all the contact records where. And the filter that I used was where the activity was, Grant letter of inquiry, grant proposal. Grant proposed due it was any one of those three, so that’s where I knew, that’s what I wanted, and so it would pull any of those that were related to that. Would we also place an award in the pledge section if the funder has awarded amount, but we must submit payment or reimbursement? Yes, I would do that. I would put it in as a pledge. But I can’t really advise on the disbursement piece. Again, you may want to consider a calculated field that would show you, okay, here’s our million dollars. We dispersed $100,000 our balance is 9000 I mean $900,000 right? So you would have to have some fields to help you with that, but right that. I just want to make that clear that it’s not a disbursement system. You have to work it to make those to make to make it work. Okay?
Um, I’m trying to are you able to create a pledge form website for capital campaign with online forms? Absolutely, yes. Yes, there is. You can do a recurring gift, and you could do it for a pledge for a specific campaign. Absolutely, you might want to check out our classic forms, 101, that’s there. Or you can do the Yeah, I would do that. Or the drop, drag and drop forms, if you have that, do we create a. Easy report, or is it that a canned report? So the easy report, let me just make that clear. If I go to reports in the Report Center, the reports in the financial folder, listings and other reports are standard DonorPerfect. Can reports. The easy reports, if you have them, are customizable. We have created some for you, but you can create your own. Once we have all those sections added, will those? Yeah, you could put those in easy reports. We are a cash, not accrual basis, so we don’t record pledges. Will recording a pledge change our reports for year to date, income. The answer is yes, but the answer is, if you were to do that, yes, it would. But your system defined calculated fields. You do have the ability to include pledge totals in your system calculated fields you want to go to Settings parameters, calculated fields, and there’s an option to include pledges in calculated fields.
So if you are cash accrual based, you can include the pledges in those calculated fields, and it would show those pledge totals. How can you training for the Oh, the training? Let me send you. I’m just going to send you all this link so you can go to our you can register for our webinars. I’m sending that out in the chat so you can register for the rest of the week, and you’ll see them all down here. If you assign a task to another team member, will it show on their home page? Yes. And will they have the ability to sync it to their calendars? Absolutely, for sure, the presentation does not go out, but you will get a recording of this, and you do have the handout and Barb says You saved me, yay. When using the screen designer, can the view be standardized for all foundation profiles? Yes. So whatever you put yes, the answer is, Barb, yes. So when you use the screen designer and you add a field, or you hide a field, or you move a field, it’s going to do that for all the records.
Okay, I’m in the same boat. Barb, I just need to call DonorPerfect tomorrow to get the screens added. All right, when is the easier? When is the easy? Report Builder, not sure. I saw that come through the register. I don’t know.
Grants, grants, grants, grants, grants, grants, grants. This is the there’s grant tracking. I’m just looking through here quickly. I’m sorry, here it is. Oh, please let that be this week. I’m trying to register. Now, when is it? It’s some it’s the 24th may 24 it’s next week. So it’s this week and next week. So keep an eye out for these. I just sent the link over, so please feel free to register for those you you will be so tickled. Okay, great info. Looking forward to getting started with this. Can you share a link for upcoming related webinars? Yep, I just sent that link. So you want to keep an eye on the easy Report Builder for grant tracking. And you also want the on the I saw screen designer. Here it is, the screen designer. Those are the two. All right, what other questions? Yes, you’re going to get a copy of this webinar the recording. Is there a way to tie an individual to a funder? Yes, you can do that through the link screen. So let’s say that with with the best foundation ever. Let’s say Joe bag of donuts is related somehow. You can go to the link screen, add a link. We’re going to look up our friend Joe Bag of Donuts. We’re going to look him up. There he is, and then we’re going to use this link type to define who’s in the box. That’s how I always remember links who’s in the box. Oh, he is a trustee, or whatever. He’s a trustee. And the opposite of that is, I believe it’s funder or Foundation. Or something like that. So this is a way that you could link that individual to there. Jeff asked, why a CSV instead of Excel? So the CSV does render in Excel, but the CSV is is more conducive to filtering, sorting, using as a data source, okay? So you can always export our reports as an Excel file, but that’s just going to display the report the way you see it in DonorPerfect. If you use the CSV version, it’s going to give you the columns and rows unformatted so that you can use them as data sources, sort, filter and all of that. If you have a $500,000 grant over three years and are billing monthly for different amounts, is there a way of setting that up? Yes. So the way you would set that up, if we go into the pledge, is here, as you would say, okay, they’re going to give us this $500,000 right? And what you’re going to use as the frequency is unusual payment schedule. And what this will do, of course, you’ll fill out the rest of these fields, but when you do unusual payment schedule, you can schedule the payments so you can say, Okay, I know in June, we’re going to get 100,000 and then in September, we’re going to get 250 so you would just schedule your payments. So let’s say, oh, 623 we’re going to get 100,000 All right. And then we see we have about so we have our subtotal.
So then in oh 920, 23, we’re going to get 150,000.
And save and so you’re just going to keep adding this up, adding this up, and then when you go through to do your your billing and all of that, it’ll pull it up just for that time period. Okay, my boss wants to track contact activity and report on it every month. Because of this, we’ve been creating separate contact records for each step of the grant, which is fine, but this isn’t ideal, as you have laid out. You have to enter the grant info each time, all over again. Can unique grant activities be tracked if you are using one contact record to keep track of all activities on a specific grant. Can you need grant have to be tracked? Yes. So basically, what would happen? Let me just click on that and get it over with. So ultimately, what’s going to happen is this is going to update each time, so we’re going to put our notes in. Okay, we did our letter of inquiry. So now on oh 601, 2023, we’re going to be doing our proposal, right? And so this would, this would keep track of that. Now, what’s not going to happen. It’s not going to show that legacy activity. So once I change this, unless I add the notes that this is when I did the LOI and finished out other stuff, then this is not going to be kept as as a legacy, as legacy information. Does that make sense? Janice, so in that case, maybe you would have to do them separately. What you could do is you could create another field to show the last activity. I really am not sure how I would have to think about that, but you know you could say last activity. Oh, actually you could. You could create that. You could create a calculated field to see the last contact activity, and that would actually show that for you. Okay, reach out to support and ask them about last contact activity. Now that field will actually live on the main screen, but you could still pull that information into a report. Yes, you can link a pledge to an addict to an actual payment on a different donor record. So if Joe Bag of Donuts, for some reason, wanted to pay some of that pledge, then you would go do the pledge payment. And you would be able to do that from Joe. So Joe would actually be you would be able to do that. So for example, if I go to Joe bag of doughnuts records and I do a gift, you’ll see it says, apply to a pledge. So when I click on apply to a pledge, right, apply to a pledge. Is there another required field here?
Come on, man, let me just try something here, just being mean to me.
Okay, apply to a play. It’s not letting me do it. All right, let me save this.
Oh, there, there it went. So I want to apply to a pledge, but I want to select the pledge from a different donor, so I would do that, and then I would look up the other donor record. If a grant is paid in monthly increments, should it be set up as a monthly donor? Pledge monthly donor or pledge donor. That’s the same thing. So Judy, we consider recurring donors, monthly donors. They would all be added in as a pledge. Okay, so it would be pledge the amount. Let’s say it’s going to be $5,000 they’re going to be paying you 50, let’s say 500 a month. So this would be a monthly recurring pledge. It’s all the same thing. Great question. Judy, all the members in numbers in the CSV download as text, not numbers. Is there a way to fix that? I think you would have to select the fields and format them as the numbers you want, especially if you’re in New England or your numbers begin with a zero. You have to go in and format that field in the CSV, because the CSV is, by default, is not formatted. Barbie bag of donuts. I love it, all right. Great. Wow. Those were great questions. And I hope that everyone got their questions in. And I hope that you take advantage of the other webinars that are there for you. I want to thank you again, all of you for joining me today, for being so engaged, for asking such great questions, and certainly for all the wonderful work that you do to make this world a better place, I am, Trey, grateful, very, very grateful for you, and I hope that this webinar helps you and will empower you to get that data out of your spreadsheets and into DonorPerfect. I will see you all next time, take care, stay safe and keep doing what you’re doing. You are so appreciated. Thank you so much. Bye, bye.
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