5. Receipting 101 – Canada
Everyone agrees that saying thank you to a donor in a timely manner is important. This webinar provides instruction on the fundamental components of receipting. This includes a review of key gift fields, how to set up and send thank you letters and tax receipts to your donors in the form of letters or emails. And, you will see how this critical functionality can save you time.
The purpose of six key gift fields
Letter and email template set up
Thank you letters and tax receipts process
**You’ll find the handout for the webinar here:
Categories: Training Webinars, Foundation Series
5. Receipting 101 – Canada Transcript
Print TranscriptGood afternoon, everyone and welcome to our Receipting 101 in Canada Webinar.
My name is Amanda Tadrzynski, I have been a trainer here at DonorPerfect for three years, working specifically with our Canadian clients. Read More
Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to our Receipting 101 in Canada Webinar.
My name is Amanda Tadrzynski, I have been a trainer here at DonorPerfect for three years, working specifically with our Canadian clients. And I’m really excited to be leading this webinar today. So all of you can learn the ins and outs of the process on how you can issue your charitable tax receipts. As well as any acknowledgments for your donors. 45% of donor surveys say that it’s an outstanding thank you that inspires them to give again and again. So it’s really important to make sure that when we’re getting donor donations from our donors that we’re able to send out quick and timely thank you’s to them.
So with that in mind, what we’re going to be covering in our session is first taking a look at the end result. And then walking through your details for success. So how do we enter donations from a data entry perspective to denote if they get a receipt? And how do we create letters and email templates so we can thank our donors from different methods.
And then once we have your templates built, I’m gonna walk you guys through the process on how to issue your receipts and acknowledgments. And also, hopefully have enough time to show you guys how to re issue receipts as well.
Do keep in mind, I’m working in a test system. So you may see some features and fields that are not in your specific database.
So let’s take a look at the end result and then show how we can take what you’ve been entering on the gift screen and turn that into a charitable tax receipt.
So as you’re going in, and you’re entering your data, your date of gift, your gift amount, whether or not the donor gets a letter or an email receipt,
all of the data entry that you’re doing has a direct impact on how your tax receipt is formatted and produced.
So we’re able to take all of this gift entry that you guys have been doing on the gift screen,
and then take that information and incorporate it into your official charitable tax receipt letter.
So in this example, we were able to take the $100 donation and insert it as a merge field into our letter.
And because the gift was entered to get a tax receipt, we can see at the bottom that it’s producing a receipt number and date of receipt.
So the way that you enter your donations will have a direct impact on what type of final merged product you’ll end up with,
not just from within the tax receipt portion, but also within the Thank You message itself by being able to insert merge fields into your thank you letters and emails, and allows you to create a more personal connection with the donor and increase the trust that they have in your organization, which in turn is going to result in you being much more likely to retain these donors over a longer period of time,
while also following the best practices needed to issue CRA compliance tax receipts.
And of course, this isn’t just true for letters. This will also apply to email receipts as well.
So let’s actually talk about the key data entry fields that you need to be aware of in order to produce charitable tax receipt numbers.
The first field is going to be the acknowledgement preference field. On every gift record the acknowledgement preference identifies whether or not a receipt number will be issued or not.
And then the thank you letter field is identifying the specific message that you’re sending to that donor. So is this person getting our standard? Thank you, or are they getting our memorial thank you or are giving Tuesday Thank you.
The Thank You letter should also indicate if a tax receipt is attached to it or not.
The receipt delivery identifies how the receipt will be delivered. Are you delivering the tax receipt as a letter or as an email
and the receiving preference determines when the receipt is issued. So we’re seeding can either be individual meaning you’re receiving donations throughout the year or consolidate it meaning that they’re going to get the tax receipt at the end of the year.
So if I take you guys away from this screen real quick, because this is all noted in the handout, these definitions.
What I would like you guys to actually see is what these gifts fields look like on a gift record.
So if I open up my old record and I go to create a new gift for this, for this donor for myself,
acknowledgement preference. This is the drop down that says either acknowledge receipt, which means produce a car a receipt number,
acknowledged do not receipt, which means acknowledge the donor but don’t produce a receipt number,
which is great for businesses and charitable donations.
Do not acknowledge do not receipt means do not produce a receipt or acknowledgement for this gift.
Most of my clients when they use this third option, it’s because they’re important donations from CanadaHelps or third party sites where the gift has already been received it.
My thank you letter is the specific message that I’m going to use to thank the donor and whether it has a receipt attached to it.
The receipt delivery is do I get an email or a letter? Or am I not acknowledging this gift at all.
And receiving preference is do I get this receipt at the end of the year? Or am I going to be received it soon.
So these four fields right here are what essentially make the receiving process work in your database.
And then the additional fields like Gift Amount, solicitation, type of gift and general ledger are all fields that can be inserted into the message body of your letter to create a more personalized experience for this donor.
So it’s really imperative that we have a strong understanding of how these four fields are utilized in terms of telling DonorPerfect whether or not a receipt number needs to be produced.
But before we can even begin the receiving process, there are three things that you will want to start building in your system. So that was receipt and thank you letter codes.
You want to build
sorry, let me backtrack this here because I lost my train of thought there. So there are three things that you will want to build in order to get your system up to speed when it comes to receiving. The first is creating receipt and thank you letter coats. The second is creating email templates. And the last piece is to create letter templates.
And a fun way that I like to remember what I need to create is Rem, Rem receipt templates, email templates, Mail Merge templates.
So when we talk about those receipt, thank you codes. That’s really that thank you letter field on the gift screen. So this is the code that you’re using to essentially define what message the donor gets when they’re going to
the thank you letter code is essentially used as a way to tell DonorPerfect when I’m issuing my receipts and acknowledgement This is the message that the donor should get and whether that message has a receipt attached to it or not.
And we would typically recommend that you use the same name for your letters and email templates as what you have in that thank you letter field.
And when it comes to adding new thank you letter codes, you can click on the plus sign on the gift record to add a new code. Or you can go to settings and code maintenance to create a new code.
So here’s my opportunity to give you guys the opportunity to participate. What are some instances where you think it would warrant a special message for donors?
So do you guys do special messaging for in-kind donors or people who give tribute gifts? Do you guys do special messaging for giving Tuesday your fundraising efforts? Go ahead and write in the chat. Are there some instances where you think you might want to send a specific thank you for a specific type of gift
All right. And while I’m letting you guys think what I would like to do is actually show you guys how to create a brand new Thank you code.
So my preferred method of setting up a new Thank you code is to go to the gear icon and code maintenance.
So under the gear icon and code maintenance to create a new thank you letter code, you’re going to go to the show only drop down
and look for the field thank you letter or receipt thank you letter.
And click though.
And what this does is it shows you a list of your existing codes.
And we put numbers on them as a way to prioritize them in the drop down box.
I’m going to create a new code here for my In Memoriam thank you letter.
I’m going to add a new code.
I’m going to call this code number six.
Tribute thank you letter.
And at the end, I always indicate whether this thank you letter will have a receipt
or no receipt.
So this way, you can match your acknowledgment preference to your thank you letter code.
Net, I’m going to set this to be code number six,
and save it.
So what this means now is that when I go to do my gift entry, I can start assigning donors the tribute thank you letter, so that when I go in issue my tax receipts, they’re going to get a specific message that says thank you for your gift in memory or in honor of this individual.
So I have the code. This is how from a data entry perspective, I know what message the donor is going to receive.
Once you have that thank you letter code created, your next step is to actually go and set up the templates. So you’re going to create an email and a letter template to send for all of your thank you letter codes.
So for email templates, you’re going to go to mailings and email templates. And that’s where you’re going to begin the process of actually building
the email messaging that people are going to get where for letters that work is done under Settings and mail merge templates.
And the cool thing about both of these is you have the ability to take data from the gift record and incorporate them as merge fields in the email or letter body, again with the idea of creating a more personalized experience for your donors.
So for email templates, the way that we recommend working through this process is copying an existing template and then modifying it to fit your needs.
Oh, shoot.
Okay, it’s Give me one second here, my PowerPoint decided to jump ahead of me here.
So with email templates, as part of your onboarding process, all of you should be getting some type of contact from Amelie in order to have basic email templates built for you.
What I’m going to show you guys today though, is how to take the basic templates that are in the database and modify them yourself. So we’re going to copy the sample templates that come with your database and within the message body, insert merge fields so that we can add personal elements to those emails.
And then save them so that you can start using these as part of your receiving process
Alrighty, so let’s go into DonorPerfect and let’s see what goes into building an email template.
Um, so for all of you as new users under mail,
Links and email templates. So mailings, email templates, and DonorPerfect.
You should all have some sample templates built in your database. So you should have a standard thank you with a receipt, a standard no receipt, and an in kind and event Thank you template.
So what you’re able to do is take these sample templates that we’ve built for you.
And then copy that template to create a new message. So clicking the double paper icon and copying it, and then clicking copy and edit.
And what that does is it’s going to take our sample template that’ll have things like the DonorPerfect logo.
And now you can go in and create your own template.
So I’m able to call this my,
tribute thank you letter with official receipt,
I’m able to use the thank you code association. So I can link this email template to the thank you code that I created.
So ensuring that when I select this code, from the gift screen DonorPerfect knows to use this email,
I can change who the email is coming from.
And also add a BCC,
so that whenever I send out emails from DonorPerfect, I’m able to get a copy of all of those emails that were sent out.
Then I can come in to the subject line and the message body and both the subject line and the message body of the email has an Insert Merge Field button.
So if I wanted to insert after the Gift Amount field, the merge field for tribute type and tribute name.
I can take my cursor,
and do Insert Merge Field
and look for,
tribute type. So in memory or in honor of
and then insert the merge field for,
tribute name.
And just like that, I was able to take this very basic template and turn it into something that I can specifically use to acknowledge Memorial donations.
And from here, you guys can come in, and you can remove the logo for DonorPerfect and use the picture icon in the toolbar to upload your organization’s logo.
I can come in here and I can insert the image,
for my executive directors signature,
so you’re able to take these very basic templates that are already in your database and update them for your organization’s information.
And this is just the message body part, I can save the template,
and go to PDF attachment. And PDF attachment is where you guys can come in then and modify the receipt portion. So adding your organization’s logo updating with your organization’s charitable receipt number and replacing the signature again,
with your directors signature or your authorized signers signature,
and then saving that template,
so what we want you to take away four email templates really is one, link them to the thank you letter code that you created under code maintenance to add a BCC so you get a copy of all of the emails.
Three use Insert Merge Field as a way to insert fields from the gift record to create a more personalized experience.
And then the fourth piece that I will,
Have you guys takeaway is use the Copy option to copy existing templates. That way you don’t have to rebuild the receipt portion from scratch. Instead, you’re copying what you already have, and just modifying the messaging,
All righty, so I’m gonna pause here real quick just to check in with you guys. How are we feeling about this process about creating thank you letter codes and creating the email templates? Do I have any questions about anything that I’ve covered or anything that’s unclear to you?
Alrighty, and I will let you guys know, it’s a little intimidating perhaps to learn all of this, when you’re brand new, you will be getting a recording of this training. And also, please do take advantage of our support team. They are a excellent resource to help get you up to speed if you have questions as you’re going through this process on your own.
So I’ve walked you guys through the process of building email templates. And email is a great and cost effective way to thank and receipt your donors.
But we also want to make sure that if we don’t have an email for donors, that we can potentially send them a letter receipt instead.
So letter receipts are at their core Word documents that you upload into DonorPerfect. So under the settings and mail merge part of DonorPerfect.
You will hopefully have some receipt templates already loaded into your database for you.
However, if they’re not in there, you can go to our knowledge base, and actually download existing templates and then modify those and upload them to DonorPerfect.
So what I’m going to do is just like the email version, I’m going to show you guys how to go and find the sample templates, download them, modify it, and then upload to the owner Perfect.
All right. So,
the entire letter process is going to start off under the Settings icon and mail merge templates.
So under Settings and mail merge templates, you may already have a receipt folder in here with receipt templates already pre built. And if you have precede templates already pre built, whenever you need to create a new message, what you can do is take one of your existing templates that you already have, click on the downward arrow to download it.
And what you can do is take that template that’s already in your system and update the messaging here to create a new letter.
So if you have templates in your system, you can download existing templates and modify the verbiage to create new messaging.
For those of you that might be accessing this part of the system, though, and you don’t see any templates in your database, don’t panic.
What you can do instead is come to looking for pre made templates.
Under looking for pre made templates, that’s going to take you to a knowledge base article that has all of our sample templates uploaded.
So you will have to scroll all the way to the very bottom, there’s a part here called receipt templates, Canada.
And you can read in the description to see what type of receipt you’re downloading. So we have different versions here, one that has one receipt, one that has two official charitable receipts, and for those folks that are in Quebec or have donors who are in Quebec, we also have French versions of our templates as well.
But what you can do here is click on the hyperlink for the template that you want to download.
Download this to your Word doc.,
and from here you can take this base template that,
already has the merge fields for the receipt information. So it’s already got the merge fields required to produce the official tax receipt.
So the only things that you guys will have to change is updating the logo,
updating the signature and updating the messaging.
So using DonorPerfect or using DonorPerfect using words functionality to delete the pictures that are already in there,
and using the insert functionality and word to essentially insert your own signatures and your own logos,
doo doo doo doo.
And remember how I said one of the wonderful things about letters and emails is the ability to insert merge fields.
Well, that second document that’s in the handout section is a Word document called merge fields commonly used in templates, I would recommend downloading and saving that template to your desktop.
Because what it is, is a list of common merge fields that people like to insert into their letter templates.
So I can find the merge field for tribute type and tribute name.
Copy them from that Word document that again, it’s in the handout section of GoToWebinar.
I’m copying it from this Word document,
and pasting it into my letter.
So I’m able to now create this letter as my letter version of my In Memoriam. Thank you.
So now that I’ve gone through, and I’ve updated the messaging, I’ve updated the logos and signatures, I’ve updated basically all of the templated parts to reflect my organization’s contact information and registration number.
I can save this template on my desktop as a Word document.
And remember, I’m going to keep the name of the letter matching the name of the thank you letter code that I created.
And what I can do is come back into Settings and mail merge templates.
And I can upload,
a new letter. So upload new lets you browse your computer,
so you can find the letter that you created.
Save it in your folder for receipts. And the most important step here is setting the template type to gift pledge so that you can use this letter,
as part of your receipt process.
Then you just click upload.
And that’s going to enable you to then upload and have that letter template available to use as part of your receipt process.
Alrighty, so now we’ve gone through the process of creating a thank you letter and receipt code, we’ve gone through the process of creating an email and a letter template.
So let’s go ahead and actually talk through the process on how you can issue your tax receipts.
So there’s two ways that you can create receipts. And the first way that I’m going to show you guys is from within the gift record itself. So for those of you that have a low volume of gifts, or you want to have a way to create personalized email receipts for your donors, using the thank donor from the gifts screen is the way to go. Because it lets you enter your donation and then receipt that donor all in the same process,
and I’m used,
In the word receipts a lot, everything that I’m referring to can also be used to send just an acknowledgement.
So thank donor from the gifts record can be used to receipt a donor, or it can be used to just send an official thank you and acknowledgement.
So how does this process actually work?
Well, if I want to take my lovely tribute template that I’ve built,
I can go into Lisa fairfields record.
And I can create a gift for her.
And she decided to make a $10
In Memoriam donation.
I’m going to use acknowledgment preference to mark this as acknowledge and receipt
and use my thank you letter feel to denote she’s going to get the tribute Thank you.
I’m going to deliver this as an email individually.
It was a cheque donation, and it’s being designated to the 400 General Ledger.
I’m going to apply this gift to a tribute,
hope I don’t have any tributes. So let me create one.
This is going to be an in memory of Mickey Mouse.
So we have in memory of Mickey Mouse. So this is who I’m memorializing.
And now what I can do is I can go to thank donor and send an email or a letter.
I’m going to send Lisa an email tax receipt.
And what this enables me to do is review the message body here and look at that. It’s pulling in $10 and in memory of Mickey Mouse. So those are the merge fields that I had inserted in the email that are now getting pulled into the message body. I didn’t have to type anything, I didn’t have to edit anything. DonorPerfect did that all on its own because I told it to do that.
However, if I did want to add a little bit of text here, the cool thing about thank donor from the gifts grade is for emails, you can add your own spin to the messaging.
So you can add a few extra lines to this email before you click Send.
But once I click Send because the acknowledgement preference is acknowledged and receipt, remember, this is the field that tells me if they’re going to get a receipt number or not.
Because her gift was acknowledging receipt. Now that that email was sent, it updates the receipt Information section to denote her receipt number, receipt date and amount receipt it for.
So thank donor from the gift record is a great way to be able to do your tax receding if you have a slow volume, because you can receive donations as soon as you’re done doing the gift entry.
However, for some of you, you might have a larger volume of donations that you need to receipt, in which case if you have a larger volume of donations, you will want to take a look at the batch receiving tool,
that’s receding enables you to be able to issue tax receipts on mass. The only downside being for emails you lose the capability to create more personalized emails. Everyone who gets an email through batch receiving is going to get the same exact messaging, no ability to edit.
So let’s take a look at how you can issue receipts in a batch. So how do I issue multiple tax receipts with five simple clicks,
so for batch proceeding, you’re going to end this,
Create that process by going to the receipts icon in the top of the navigation bar.
And the very first thing that you do is review your receipt filter options. So this essentially is telling DonorPerfect what donations you would like to receive today.
The current setting that you guys are looking at right now is what I would recommend you have set for all of your individual receiving purposes. Because these filters are saying issue email and letter receipts. Issue these receipts for all transactions.
Only receipt a donation if it’s an individual tax receipt,
and receive the donation if it’s in the current batch. Current batch means look at donations that haven’t yet gotten a receipt or acknowledgement.
This will be your standard receipt filters that you will use.
However, you do have some flexibility to apply additional filters. For example, you can click select a date range to apply a date range filter.
You can use selection filters as a way to filter for specific donations. So only received my event donations today, or only received donations that came in for giving Tuesday.
The purpose of receipt filters is really just to tell dollar perfect what receipts do I want to issue today.
And then before you issue the tax receipts, I would encourage all of you to run the transaction listing report. So transaction listing gives you the ability to double check your work before you issue your receipts.
And you run this report by just clicking the screen icon.
So by clicking the screen icon that’s going to show you all of the donations that you’re getting ready to receipt or acknowledge.
And for me, I personally like to sort by the acknowledgement preference field, because this gives me the ability to preview all of my donations and group them by whether they’re getting a receipt or not.
So the two things that you want to review here is that every donation has the correct acknowledgement preference assigned to it.
And this is going to be my question for the group. So go ahead and write your answer into the chat what is the purpose of acknowledgment preference? Why is it so important that we assign acknowledgement preference for every gift?
All right, Sharise. Thank you so much. So she said the purpose of acknowledgement preference is to tell whether or not the donation is getting a receipt, whether the donation is getting just an acknowledgement but no tax receipt, or whether we’re telling the system do not produce a receipt or acknowledgement. So tourists you are right on the money. And I do apologize if I’m pronouncing your name wrong.
So you want to make sure every gift has the correct acknowledgement preference assigned to it.
And we also want to make sure that every donation has the correct thank you letter code assigned to it as well.
So the purpose of transaction listing is to double check your data entry. And if you’ve identified that you need to correct something, this is your opportunity to then go and fix that data before you issue your tax receipts.
All righty, so for me, all of my donations have the correct acknowledgement preference. Every donation has the correct thank you letter assigned to it.
So I’m able to go back to my previous screen,
and under generate receipts, I can start the process of actually issuing my tax receipts in a batch.
So it all starts with my email,
tax receipts. So I’m going to use the checkbox to select that I want to issue my email receipts.
So I’m going to have four people getting an official receipt, and one person is getting no receipt, just the Thank you.
Then I’m going to click Next preview email receipts.
And with next preview email receipts, this lets you review what your email receipts will look like with the merge fields filled in.
And if it has an official receipt attached at the bottom, you get to see what the receipt will look like fully merged.
Keep in mind that for email receipts, the receipt number and receipt date are not generated until you click send. So if you look at the receipt part here and you don’t see a receipt number or a receipt date, don’t panic that is actually done by design.
You can also use the Chevron’s along the bottom here to navigate between all of your emails, and preview what they’re going to look like.
You don’t have to, but definitely some people like to look at every template before they send their emails.
Once you’re happy, and you said I ready to send these emails, you’re going to click next, send email receipts
and then send email receipts now.
And once your email receipts are sent, then you get moved over to your letter receipt templates.
Now for letter receipts, because letter receipts or Word documents that you’ve uploaded into DonorPerfect, we have to actually issue each separate letter template one by one. So I’m going to have one word document that’ll have all of my standard thank yous with official receipt.
And I’m going to have a another word document for my in kind donations.
So I’m going to use the radial button to select that I want to do my inkind letter first,
come down to Insert Merge.
And once I click Insert Merge, that’s going to open up my mail merge template library.
So I’m going to match my thank you letter code to my letter template. This is why them having the same name is so helpful.
And then I’m going to click Merge,
and what I’ll end up with is,
this beautiful in-kind receipt template,
for my donors,
and then I would repeat the same process for my standard thank you letter with official receipt,
of instead merging.
Selecting the number one standard tax receipt,
and merging.
And what I ended up with is,
this beautifully merged tax receipt at the bottom here. So it’s pulling in the merge field for the gift amount pulling in the merge field for the donors name.
And at the bottom I have a receipt number and date of receipt and amount of receipt that’s being issued.
So I can save this on my desktop and then print this out and mail this out to Lisa Fairfield, Fairfield. Ooh, I can’t talk today
and now all of my receipts are done.
So I can click Done to complete the process,
and the very last step whether you are doing receipts from the gift screen, or whether you are doing receipt,
Send a batch. When you’ve completed your receipt process for that day, there’s one last step that we recommend that you all take.
And I will hopefully show it to you guys if DonorPerfect decides to load the screen for me.
All right, so why it’s spinning right now and thinking, um, if you guys have any questions, go ahead and put those into the chat or if you have anything that has been unclear to you, go ahead and put that into the chat for me.
All righty, I love when things spin. Okay, let me try logging out and logging back in. While I’m doing that, I’ll talk through what I think the final step in your guys receipt process should always be. And that is doing what we call updating the receipt batch. So updating the receipt badge essentially serves the purpose of saying you’ve completed the receipt process. And now you want to essentially file those donations away so that they don’t get re receded.
Let’s see here.
So also, hopefully, you’re watching this spin and are thinking well, at least this also happens to trainers as well, where sometimes things spin unexpectedly, and it doesn’t always work the way you were anticipating.
Alright, so while I’m waiting for that to load, I’m going to try if I can’t show it to you and a DonorPerfect system.
The next best thing
would be to actually show you in the knowledge base, I looked up this article called updating the batch.
So essentially what updating the batch does is it gives you a way to essentially complete the receipt process and ensure that donations don’t get re receded. So it’s a button that’s right next to the generate tax receipts button in batch receding. So it’s this little purple button that if you click on it is going to give you a pop up alert.
And sometimes that pop up is going to say that you have unprocessed gifts. Unprocessed and DonorPerfect terms means a gift that did not get a tax receipt or an acknowledgement sent to it.
There are really three reasons why a gift would be seen as unprocessed. The first is the donation has the do not acknowledge do not receive preference assigned to it. That means that you told the donut DonorPerfect through data entry do not receive or acknowledge this gift. Therefore it’s unprocessed.
The second would be you have consolidated donations that were entered. Consolidated donations are not going to be receded until the end of the year. So they’re going to be seen as unprocessed for now. And then we’ll process those donations in January and February.
The third reason a donation could be seen as unprocessed is because it came from a DonorPerfect online form.
The DonorPerfect online form will typically issue the tax receipt for you. Therefore it’s seen as unprocessed and DonorPerfect because DonorPerfect itself did not issue the tax receipt.
All right, I’m still spending there.
So when you click Update batch, if you see that you have unprocessed gifts, it usually means one of those three scenarios that I described.
So what you’ll do is click yes update batch. And that essentially is going to take all of the donations that you’ve received at that day and put them into a receipt batch, which essentially prevent
And Sue from RE receiving those donations by accident.
And then that would complete your guy’s receipt process.
So it looks like what I also will not be able to show you guys for today, but I can at least talk you through the theory is reissuing tax receipts. So show of hands, how many people here have ever had a donor reach out and say, can you send me a copy of my tax receipt, I’ve lost it.
Yup, I see quite a couple of hands going up.
So there’s two ways that you can actually re issue tax receipts. One is you can go to thank donor from the gift screen. And you can use the thank donor functionality to re issue the donor, the same receipt number that they initially were produced with. So that’s great if it’s just a one off scenario.
However, if you have to re issue multiple donations, a good way to do that is to actually take advantage of the receipt batch option. You can go back in the batch receding and apply a selection filter to say pull all the donations that were in receipt batch 15.
And that will enable you to pull those donations back out into batch proceeding so that you can reproduce the receipt number for that donor.
So I would love to actually show you guys how to do this.
But it looks like my system is still spinning here unfortunately.
But again, if you are in the knowledge base and you look up re issuing tax receipts
that’s going to pull up how do we issue official receipts dash Canada.
And this is something that I would encourage all of you if you’re in the knowledge base looking for these wonderful articles on how to issue tax receipts. Just make sure that you’re looking for the word Canadian or Canada along with a word receipt. So that way you can be sure that you’re learning the Canadian process and not the US process.
Alrighty, so what I’m going to do is recap what we’ve learned today and then open it up for some general questions.
So to recap, the purpose of the acknowledgement preference field from a gift entry perspective is to tell you whether or not or to tell DonorPerfect whether or not a receipt number needs to be produced. And then the thank you letter field indicates the special message that the donor is going to receive as part of that receipt and acknowledgement process.
After you create new thank you letter codes, we always recommend that you set up letter and email templates to go along with that thank you letter code. And those thank you letters can be just acknowledgments, or they can also be receipts attached.
And always, always, always if you can copy from an existing template, so that you don’t have to spend your precious time trying to rebuild the receipt portion.
When it comes to issuing receipts and acknowledgments, you can either do so from the gift page when you have a low volume or you want to send personalized email receipts.
Or you can use the batch receiving functionality, which lets you send generic email receipts and split merge for letters. And it’s also where you’re going to update your receipt batch so you can prevent yourself from RE receiving donations. But also give yourself the option to be able to read issue receipts on bass. Should you ever find yourself needing to do that?
Alrighty, so with that said, we’ve come to the end of our time together today. So what I’m going to do is open it up for any questions that you guys may have. If you don’t have any questions, then feel free to take these five minutes back in your day.
Actually, it’s three minutes. So I’m going to hang around for the next three minutes if you guys have any questions. Otherwise, feel free to take the time back.
Are you are so welcome Cerys.
And Bran. You are both so welcome.
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